Use the p element to create paragraphs

When creating paragraphs of text in HTML, some WYSIWYG editors and people use double br (line break) elements to separate the paragraphs visually:

This text is the first paragraph.
This text is the second paragraph.

While this method often provides the desired visual result there is a better way—the p (paragraph) element:

<p>This text is the first paragraph.</p>
<p>This text is the second paragraph.</p>

The benefits of using the p element are:

There are occasions when a single br element is appropriate, but if you find yourself using multiple consecutive br elements to separate chunks of text it is very likely that you should be using p elements instead.

This post is a Quick Tip. Background info is available in Quick Tips for web developers and web designers.

Posted on March 16, 2009 in Quick Tips, Accessibility, (X)HTML